Weekly Reports
Weekly Report #1
Emily Kenney - 9/3/2014
Date: 9/3/14
Project Name: GI System Model for Nasogastric Feeding Tube Placement
Group Number: Not Assigned
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, Emily Kenney
Current status of project: On Friday, August 29th, our group met with the client to discuss the scope of our project, which involves the development of a GI System Model for nasogastric feeding tube placement, and the role the client will play during the semester.
Relevant Contact Information:
Group Members
Brett Baker
brettbaker@wustl.edu, bakerbrett93@gmail.com
Danielle Chirumbole
Emily Kenney
Work planned for next week: Next week, the three of us will review the notes from Friday’s meeting and develop a specific scope for our project. We will also further discuss the role we want -Redacted- to play in regards to funding, resources, and mentoring.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work: Not at this time
Weekly Report #2
Brett Baker - 9/8/2014
Date: 9/8/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, Emily Kenney
Current Status of Project:
The schedules for reports and presentations have been divided among the team members. In addition, responsibilities for background research have been decided and the research has begun. Finally, requests have been sent to the client regarding meeting times and a delay in the funding decision process until further project progress is made.
Specific Project Details:
Schedule for weekly reports:
Brett: 9/8, 9/29, 10/20, 11/10
Emily: 9/15, 10/6, 10/27, 11/17
Danielle: 9/22, 10/13, 11/3
Schedule for presentations:
Emily: 9/22 or 9/24
Danielle: 10/27 or 10/29
Brett: 12/3 or 12/5
Research Responsibilities:
Anatomy and dimensions of organs of interest
Esophagus, stomach, upper segments of small intestine
Details of human variation for adults in organ properties
Effects of age, gender, fat level, etc.
Procedure specifics
Why are feeding tubes needed, when are they needed in the small intestine, and how is the procedure done
Secretion and mucus properties of the organs of interest
Material properties of the stomach, small intestine, and duodenum
Preliminary research into possible surrogate materials
Problems with the current models used
Prevalence of the issue of interest
How often is feeding tube placement into the small intestine needed and an issue
Requested Client Meeting Times:
Friday 1:30-4:00 p.m.
Monday 11:30-2:00 p.m.
Wednesday 11:30-2:00 p.m.
Work planned for next week:
Team members will conduct research required to gain a more thorough understanding of the problem at hand. Team members will document findings/sources, and summaries of key information found will be shared and discussed. This research will enable more informed decisions regarding potential solutions in the next phases of the design process.
Requirements from client, TA, or instructor:
Client: Feedback on meeting times and approval for a delay in our funding final decision.
TA/instructor: None at this time
Weekly Report #3
Emily Kenney - 9/15/2014
Date: 09/15/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily Kenney
Current status of project:
​We met with our client on Friday 09/12/14, for 1.5 hours to finalize specific design requirements for our project. We were also able to analyze current models at the client R&D facility that have been used previously to test feeding tube placement.
A rough draft is complete for our preliminary report (due 09/19/14).
Emily Kenney's preliminary oral report powerpoint presentation is in progress (due 09/22/14).
​Work planned for next week: We plan to edit the report this week and add any additional information deemed necessary.​ Emily Kenney plans to complete and practice her 12 minute oral presentation, which will be ready for presentation on 09/22/14. Emily will also perform a practice presentation for the TA, Tom, on Friday afternoon.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Can Emily use the feeding tubes (that you gave us) to show in her presentation?​
Data on feeding tube sales each year and/or statistics on number of nasojejunal feeding tube placements in the United States would be very helpful.
Dr. Yin & Tom:​
​We wanted to verify that mathematical and computational models are not required for our written or oral report. We noticed this was a requirement in Dr. Klaesner's rubric, which was removed in your rubric.
S​ome guidelines have not been given for the written and oral report (such as the 12 minute maximum time for the oral report, which Dr. Yin mentioned to me via e-mail). Will any more detailed requirements for these reports be given?
Weekly Report #5
Brett Baker - 9/29/2014
Date: 09/29/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily Kenney
Current status of project:
We are in the brainstorming process for the project. Now that the preliminary work has been completed, we have begun meeting as a team to brainstorm a list of potential solution designs. We came up with several general design concepts, as well as preliminary ideas for materials/methods for these designs to gain a better understanding of their feasibility.
​Work planned for next week:
We plan to research further into each of the preliminary design ideas we have generated in order to start determining which idea is most appropriate for the final design.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
No input is required currently
Weekly Report #4
Danielle Chirumbole - 9/22/2014
Date: 09/22/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily Kenney
Current status of project:
This week we completed and submitted our preliminary report. This report outlined the background and need for our project, the project scope, and existing solutions. it also outlined the preliminary design schedule and organization of team responsibilities. On Friday, Emily presented the preliminary oral report to the TA. She received feedback and modified the presentation.
​Work planned for next week:
Emily will present in front of the class, and we will continue brainstorming potential solutions.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
No input is required currently.
Weekly Report #6
Emily Kenney- 10/6/2014
Date: 10/06/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily Kenney
Current status of project:
After our brainstorming session for potential solutions to our problem, we organized these ideas into categories.
We created powerpoint slides to send to our client, Covidien, outlining these ideas in preparation for our phone meeting on 10/6/14.
Web page was created by lead of Brett Baker. Here is the link to our webpage: http://gi-project.wix.com/gimodel
This web page will be updated throughout the remainder of the semester with our weekly reports and progress.
​Work planned for next week: We plan to research specific properties of materials suggested in our solutions that we brainstormed. We plan to create a Pugh Chart, and begin to narrow down our solutions to 10 (or less ideas) to place in a Pugh Chart as we prepare our decision-making matrix.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Thoughts about the potential solutions (during 10/6/14 meeting)
Clarification on modelling the elasticity of the stomach and small intestine (from feedback from our preliminary report) to also be discussed during 10/6/14 meeting​
Dr. Yin: in our preliminary paper, you commented that elasticity was not covered in the parameters in our paper. We feel that it is sufficient to model the stomach elastic behavior as linear for our project's purposes. (This means our parameters are sufficient.) We will confirm this with our client. Additionally, we feel that the mucus coefficient of friction is important because this lines the GI tract.
For the next paper, do we need to add more patent information since you commented on performing a more broad search?
Weekly Report #7
Danielle Chirumbole - 10/13/2014
Date: 10/13/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily Kenney
Current status of project:
On Monday, we discussed the solutions we had brainstormed with Joshua Wu (Covidien) during a conference call.
Brett Baker is in contact with Syndaver, a company that manufactures tissue analogues. We expect to receive a sample of their GI tissue analogue in the coming week for use in mechanical testing.
Emily Kenney ordered several of our potential mucus materials which we hope to mechanically test in conjunction with our potential GI wall materials. She will continue to research other materials that may adequately simulate mucus.
The group met with Rose Yin in order to learn how to use the microtome and rheometer for upcoming mechanical tests.
Danielle Chirumbole is in contact with Dr. Sellers and Dr. Okamoto in regards to the use of the rheometer. She is also in contact with Dr. Schuessler and Dr. Talcott at the medical school in regards to the use of pig organs for mechanical testing. She will continue to research materials that may be used to simulate the GI wall.
A preliminary Pugh chart was created this week. Work planned for next week:We will meet with Dr. Talcott and will begin mechanical tests. We will continue to research potential materials and will look for their published specifications.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
We have several questions that we would like to have answered before we continue. They were included in an e-mail to Tom and Dr. Yin, and they were also included in our last weekly report. They are summarized below:
1. Is it ok to assume linearity of GI wall materials for this project?
2. Which coefficient of friction value from our previous paper is most useful? The one included in the mucus section is more accurate, but it is not possible to test.
3. Which parameters are the best to use as a measure of elasticity? Should we disregard the values we have found and only look at Young's modulus?
4. We have several questions involving the use of the rheometer that have been included in a previous e-mail.
Weekly Report #8
Brett Baker - 10/20/2014
Date: 10/20/14Project Name: GI System ModelGroup Number: 31Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily KenneyCurrent status of project:
We met with Dr. Michael Talcott at the Washington School of Medicine. We discussed the usage of animal tissues for modeling the human body. The discussion was largely focused on pigs, but also discussed some points regarding dogs, ruminants, and quadrupeds in general.
We received a sample of pig gastrointestinal tissue from Dr. Talcott's lab, as well as a sample of Syndaver double layer bowel tissue to run experimental trials on for friction and elasticity.
We have received many materials for mucus property testing, including a cellulose based synthetic sputum.
We have updated the mechanical properties under investigation to reflect input from Professor Yin (Linearized elasticity properties and eliminated high strain rate mechanical properties)
Further work has been completed on the paper and Pugh charts due Friday.
Work planned for next week:
We will conduct mechanical property testing with the input into experimental design from Professors Sellers, Okamato, and Yin.
We will select the final design plan and confirm with the team at Covidien.
We will complete the paper and presentation for the solution investigation process.
Anything needed from client, TA, or instructor to continue work:
Client: The final decision regarding the design will be sent to Covidien by end of day tomorrow for confirmation.
Professor Yin: A response to past questions regarding the testing procedure for the rheometer discussed in the Zhou paper.
Weekly Report #9
Date: 10/27/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily Kenney
Current status of project:
Performed tensile testing using the Instron machine in the Washington University in St. Louis Mechanical Engineering department with the aid of Dr. Okamato.
We selected a final design through Pugh Chart Analysis.
These charts were e-mailed to Covidien on Tuesday, 10/21/14.
The Progress Written Report was completed and turned in on Friday, 10/24/14.
Brett Baker has prepared a powerpoint presentation for the Progress Oral Presentation on Wednesday, 10/29/14.
Work planned for next week:
​​Brett will continue to run through practice presentations with Danielle and Emily in preparation for his oral presentation.
Meet with Covidien on Monday, 10/27/14, to discuss the Progress Written Report and the design decisions.
From practice presentation with the TA, Tom:
Consider methods for mucus application
Consider locations of rubber band placement; accuracy in model movement
Research and create sketches
Purchase ID Glide
Perform mechanical testing using current SynDaver sample
In next 2-3 weeks: purchase SynDaver stomach and small intestine
​Anything needed from client, TA, or instructor to continue work:
*Professor Yin: A response to past questions regarding the testing procedure for the rheometer discussed in the Zhou paper. This is necessary for testing in validating the chosen final design.
Client: Feedback during today's meeting at 2:00 PM.​
Weekly Report #10
Date: 11/3/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily Kenney
Current status of project:
Brett Baker prepared a powerpoint presentation for the Progress Oral Presentation on Wednesday, 10/29/14.
​Brett Baker practiced the presentation for the group from Sunday - Tuesday, and delivered the presentation to the class on Wednesday.
Meeting with Dr. Yin (11/3, 9:30 AM)
​Determined that the coefficient of friction is not an important design specification and will be removed
Focus on viscosity
Need to determine more specific requirements for the containment system
What specific material (rather than a category of materials)?
What type of rubber band will be used for the attachments?
Meeting with Covidien (10/27, 2:00 PM)
Overview of decisions made
Discussion of Pugh Charts
Covidien gave input on design options
Work planned for next week:
Meeting at Covidien R&D Facility in Hazelwood, MO to perform tensile testing on the SynDaver small intestine synthetic tissue to verify mechanical properties
Use viscometer (if functioning)
Purchase ID Glide
In next 2 weeks: purchase SynDaver stomach and small intestine
Refine containment system design
Rubber band material decision
Determine rubber band attachment points
Specific plastic for outer box
Consider: cut outs within the sides of the box?
​Anything needed from client, TA, or instructor to continue work:
Professor Yin: Nothing needed at this time. Thank you for meeting with us this morning.
Client: See you at noon for tensile testing!
Weekly Report #11
Date: 11/17/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily Kenney
Current status of project:
The group conducted additional research on the materials to be used for the final design and prototype.
Danielle chose appropriate rubber materials for use in the containment system, as well as an appropriate hinge to be used in the stand.
Brett chose plastic material for use in the containment system with help from Pat Harkins, a technician in Washington University's machine shop.
Emily researched adhesives to join the plastic sides of the containment system as well as to join the hinge to the containment system.
Danielle and Emily conducted further research on the esophagus attachment methods and are in the process of deciding on a final part.
The group has placed orders for several parts.
SynDaver model
Small Piano Hinge with 90 Degree Stop (Hardware Source)
Rubber sheets (latex, silicone, and pure gum)
The group is in the process of ordering:
Acrylic from Cope Plastics (Brett has requested a quote.)
Other tasks completed:
​The group finalized the dimensions of the containment system.
Other tasks in progress
Danielle began working on the DesignSafe report.
Emily is working on edits to the CAD design.
Work planned for next week:
Purchase adhesive and finalize plastic order.
Purchase rubber to prevent containment system sliding.
Continue work on final report.
Construct prototype.
Finalize mucus insertion and removal methods.
Perform Young's modulus and center of mass calculations.
​Anything needed from client, TA, or instructor to continue work:
Professor Yin: Nothing needed at this time.
Client: We will be sending more P-card requisition forms later this week. ​
Weekly Report #12
Date: 11/17/14
Project Name: GI System Model
Group Number: 31
Group Members: Brett Baker, Danielle Chirumbole, and Emily Kenney
Current status of project:
The group conducted additional research on the materials to be used for the final design and prototype.
Danielle chose appropriate rubber materials for use in the containment system, as well as an appropriate hinge to be used in the stand.
Brett chose plastic material for use in the containment system with help from Pat Harkins, a technician in Washington University's machine shop.
Emily researched adhesives to join the plastic sides of the containment system as well as to join the hinge to the containment system.
Danielle and Emily conducted further research on the esophagus attachment methods and are in the process of deciding on a final part.
The group has placed orders for several parts.
SynDaver model
Small Piano Hinge with 90 Degree Stop (Hardware Source)
Rubber sheets (latex, silicone, and pure gum)
The group is in the process of ordering:
Acrylic from Cope Plastics (Brett has requested a quote.)
Other tasks completed:
​The group finalized the dimensions of the containment system.
Other tasks in progress
Danielle began working on the DesignSafe report.
Emily is working on edits to the CAD design.
Work planned for next week:
Purchase adhesive and finalize plastic order.
Purchase rubber to prevent containment system sliding.
Continue work on final report.
Construct prototype.
Finalize mucus insertion and removal methods.
Perform Young's modulus and center of mass calculations.
​Anything needed from client, TA, or instructor to continue work:
Professor Yin: Nothing needed at this time.
Client: We will be sending more P-card requisition forms later this week. ​